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Investment Strategy - Climate


Our Environment
& Climate have a material direct impact on our Health

Despite corporate /government actions and media coverage; massive funding gaps continue for Climate solutions with greatest impact potential

Therefore, Maroon is taking action through innovation and investment in our:

  • Built Environment
  • Blue Economy
  • AI-driven Climate solutions for mega GhG emission reduction/reversal, and climate risk management
built environment


Built Environment represents 50% of our global carbon footprint, is one of the biggest areas of environmental impact on human health, yet received only 4% of VC in 2022
built environment
AI-driven climate solutions


3.6 Bn people or 44% of global population live in high-risk climate areas! Artificial intelligence, data analytics, satellite tech will have transformative impact creating & implementing effective Climate solutions faster e.g. optimising renewable energy design & deployment, disaster predictions, iceberg & deforestation mapping, ocean pollution cleanup, waste recycling and more
ai driven climate solutions
Blue economy

$2.8 Tn

Blue Economy represents 70% of global resources, will contribute $2.8 Tn to global economy by 2030, absorbs 25% of CO2, creates 50% of our oxygen; and is one of greatest resources to deliver game-changing innovation for Human Health!
blue economy

Maroon advancing innovation in Climate Solutions

WOMENS Catalytic Climate Fellowship 2024

"The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything" ~ Albert Einstein