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AstraWell Venture Studio

Venture Studio

Leadership in Womens Health

Maroon Venture Fund and Wellbeing of Women (the largest Women Health institution in the UK) are excited to announce AstraWell - a multi-year "game-changing" partnership to advance Womens Health in the United States and United Kingdom tackling some of the most critical issues in Womens Health today.

Please see full Press Release here. Under Partnership several initiatives will be launched to accelerate: 
  • Critical R&D innovation, venture development, product solutions in Women’s Health led by clinical excellence
  • Catalytic capital to fund Womens Health innovation
  • and strengthen innovation consortiums, commercial venture platforms, and robust scaling in Womens Health in the US, UK, US-UK, and eventually globally
Venture studio - first initiative
Venture studio - first initiative
Most effective health advances do not occur in silos but fostered through collaboration across geographies and by best-in-class partnershps reflecting quality data, access, deep expertise, and execution capability.

AstraWell Venture Studio is the 1st initiative launched under Partnership to advance venture development and commercial scaling addressing chronic Health and Climate conditions disproportionately impacting Women's Health.

This hybrid platform also offers optional on-site engagement and sessions in Houston, Boston, New York, Oban, and London.

Venture Studio Differentiation & Delivery

AstraWell has the potential to significantly position ventures by:
Advancing critical research and innovation in Womens Health

Advancing critical research and innovation in Womens Health

with the UK's largest and only dedicated institution for Womens Health in collaboration Maroon Venture Fund, US / UK healthcare operators, and AstraWell Partners
Leveraging AstraWell resources to deliver tangible value creation

Leveraging AstraWell resources to deliver tangible value creation

Position ventures for commercial scaling in the  USA and UK

Position ventures for commercial scaling in the USA and UK

through AstraWell's local operations and partnerships
Accessing catalytic investment capital

Accessing catalytic investment capital

providers and optimal capital solutions for early stage ventures in global markets
Delivering game-changing impact at attractive commercial returns

Delivering game-changing impact at attractive commercial returns


2024 Application Deadlines

Venture Applicants

Ventures interested in applying to AstraWell Venture Studio are invited to complete the applicant questionnaire and attend the Information Session on Wed 3 July:
Thereafter, ventures may apply for:
  • Summer Cohort starting 25 July
  • Fall Cohort starting 16 Sept

Partner Opportunties

If you are not a venture, but are interested in collaborating with AstraWell Venture Studio either as a Strategic Partner or as an Investor Partner ~ please RSVP below for Partner Webinar on Tues 2 July:

Venture Eligibility Criteria

  • UK or US-domiciled
  • Pre-Seed or Seed venture growth stage
  • Patient-centric innovation
  • Strong commercial potential
  • Experienced venture team
  • Applicable Womens Health area

Womens Health Areas

  • Reproductive or Gynaecological Health ~ including cancer (breast, cervical, ovarian)
  • Chronic Population Health Condition that disproportionately impacts women such as:
    - diabetes or other autoimmune disease
    - blood or cardiovascular conditions (incl. heart disease)
    - inflammation
    - food and environmental allergies
    - neurological, brain and mental health
  • Diversification of Clinical Trials advancing science in Womens Health
  • Healthy Ageing & Longevity
  • Blue Economy or Built Environment climate impact on Womens Health ~ Please also see Womens Catalytic Climate Fellowship for additional opportunities as a potential venture or as potential strategic partner  

About Wellbeing of Women

About Wellbeing of Women
Wellbeing of Women (WoW) is the UK’s largest and only private institution exclusively dedicated to advancing research and innovation in Womens Health. Over 60 years, WoW has invested more than £68 million in vital research to transform Women’s Health and wellbeing, with 605 projects funded to date in gynaecological and reproductive health. Each year, millions of women benefit from WoW research, campaigns, and its health education initiatives.